
.NET Publish

Valkyrie is a simple set of data annotations and extension methods to help with validating your objects in .NET.

Basic Usage

For the most part, Valkyrie consists of DataAnnotations. To use Valkyrie, simply add the annotations to your properties as shown below:

public class MyClass
    public MyOtherClass ItemA { get; set; }
    [Between("1/1/1900", "1/1/2100")]
    public DateTime ItemB { get; set; }
    public List<string> ItemC { get; set; }

The System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Validator class will automatically pick up these annotations when validating your object. Additionally, there are a couple of extension methods added to simplify object validation:

var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
bool didItWork = MyObject.TryValidate(results);



The TryValidate method returns a list of validation results, while the Validate method throws a ValidationException if there are any issues with validating your object.


The library is available on NuGet with the package name "Valkyrie." To install it, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Valkyrie

Build Process

To build the library, make sure you have the following minimum requirements:

  • Visual Studio 2022

Simply clone the project and load the solution in Visual Studio. You should be able to build it without much effort.


We welcome contributions to Valkyrie. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. We appreciate your support!