Craig's Utility Library  4.0 Beta
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678910]
 CConfigurationSystemConfiguration system enum
 CJSONConfigJSON config base class
 CXMLConfigXML config base class
 CBagUsed to count the number of times something is added to the list
 CBinaryTreeBinary tree
 CChangeChange class
 CDateSpanRepresents a date span
 CDynamoDynamic object implementation (used when inheriting)
 CEdgeEdge pointing from vertex source to vertex sink
 CFractionRepresents a fraction
 CGraphClass used to represent a graph
 CListMappingMaps a key to a list of data
 CMatrixMatrix used in linear algebra
 CObservableListObservable List class
 CPriorityQueueHelper class that implements a priority queue
 CRingBufferImplements a ring buffer
 CRowHolds an individual row
 CSetClass to be used for sets of data
 CStringTemplateActs as a template for a string
 CTableHolds tabular information
 CTagDictionaryDictionary that matches multiple keys to each value
 CTaskQueueClass that helps with running tasks in parallel on a set of objects (that will come in on an ongoing basis, think producer/consumer situations)
 CTreeNodeNode class for the Binary tree
 CVector3Vector class (holds three items)
 CVertexVertex within the graph
 CDirectoryInfoDirectory info class
 CEmailMessageEmail message class
 CFileInfoFile info class
 CSerializationTypeSerialization enum like class
 CManagerIoC manager class
 CRGBHistogramClass used to create an RGB Histogram
 CSwiftBitmapBitmap wrapper. Helps make Bitmap access faster and a bit simpler.
 CObjectBaseClassObject base class helper. This is not required but automatically sets up basic functions and properties to simplify things a bit.
 CProfilerProfiler object
 CRandomUtility class for handling random information.
 CBetweenAttributeBetween attribute
 CCascadeAttributeCascade attribute
 CCompareAttributeCompare attribute
 CCompareToAttributeCompareTo attribute
 CContainsAttributeContains attribute
 CDoesNotContainAttributeDoes not contain attribute
 CEmptyAttributeEmpty attribute
 CIsAttributeIs attribute
 CMaxLengthAttributeMax length attribute
 CMinLengthAttributeMin length attribute
 CNotEmptyAttributeNot empty attribute
 CNotInRangeAttributeNot in range attribute