Craig's Utility Library  4.0 Beta
Utilities.IO.FileSystem.Default.FtpFileSystem Class Reference

FTP file system More...

Inheritance diagram for Utilities.IO.FileSystem.Default.FtpFileSystem:
Utilities.IO.FileSystem.BaseClasses.FileSystemBase Utilities.DataTypes.Patterns.BaseClasses.SafeDisposableBaseClass Utilities.IO.FileSystem.Interfaces.IFileSystem


override string Name [get]
 Name of the file system More...
- Properties inherited from Utilities.IO.FileSystem.BaseClasses.FileSystemBase
abstract string Name [get]
 Name of the file system More...
Regex HandleRegex [get]
 Regex used to determine if the file system can handle the path More...
abstract string HandleRegexString [get]
 Regex string used to determine if the file system can handle the path More...
- Properties inherited from Utilities.IO.FileSystem.Interfaces.IFileSystem
string Name [get]
 Name of the file system More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Utilities.IO.FileSystem.BaseClasses.FileSystemBase
bool CanHandle (string Path)
 Returns true if it can handle the path, false otherwise More...
abstract IDirectory Directory (string Path, string UserName="", string Password="", string Domain="")
 Gets the directory representation for the directory More...
abstract IFile File (string Path, string UserName="", string Password="", string Domain="")
 Gets the class representation for the file More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Utilities.DataTypes.Patterns.BaseClasses.SafeDisposableBaseClass
void Dispose ()
 Dispose function More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Utilities.IO.FileSystem.BaseClasses.FileSystemBase
 FileSystemBase ()
 Constructor More...
abstract string AbsolutePath (string Path)
 Gets the absolute path of the variable passed in More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Utilities.DataTypes.Patterns.BaseClasses.SafeDisposableBaseClass
 SafeDisposableBaseClass ()
 Construct More...
abstract void Dispose (bool Managed)
 Function to override in order to dispose objects More...

Detailed Description

FTP file system

Definition at line 30 of file FtpFileSystem.cs.

Property Documentation

override string Utilities.IO.FileSystem.Default.FtpFileSystem.Name

Name of the file system

Definition at line 35 of file FtpFileSystem.cs.

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